2 Drummond Road, Thornton, Liverpool, L23 9YP
0151 932 1595 07504 132 121
The King's Church: COVID Guidelines for attending the church building
Please do not come to church if you are displaying any COVID related symptoms:
high temperature
new, continuous cough
loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Remember to follow the Government guidelines in the building:
Maintain social distance with anyone not in your household / bubble, keeping your kids close, including when queuing to enter or leave the building
Please take your seat when you enter the main hall to allow others to find seats
Please do not move the chairs
Wear a face covering when inside the building – if you are exempt / unable to wear a mask, please mention this when booking your place
Sanitise your hands on entering and exiting the building
Give your details for track and trace if asked
Bring your own drinks
Communal singing during services is not currently allowed
Please keep coats, bags and personal belongings with you at all times (please do not use the coat hooks)
The offering box is available in the foyer as you exit the building
There are curently no child activities and church toys are out of use
The kitchen and blue room are out of use, but toilet facilities are available
If you or your household develop symptoms after visiting the church building please inform the leaders via the TKC mobile number – 07504 132 121
Thank you